Touch friendly Touch friendly

WebBoard's touch friendly interface enables drawing with a mouse, finger, touch pad, or touch pen on any device. It does not matter whether you are working on a laptop, smartphone, tablet or TV. You can always draw in the way it suits you.

Touch friendly apps are no longer a nice-to-have feature, but an expectation among software users. Children are now learning to interact with computers via touch before they learn to use a traditional mouse and keyboard.

WebBoard's touch-friendly interface enables users to choose how they want to draw on their boards. Be it with a mouse, finger, touch pad or touch pen. All of this makes WebBoard usable in any situation, on any device which can connect to the internet and access a web browser.

Browser support

Browser Support
Chrome Chrome True
Firefox Firefox True
Opera Opera True
Safari Safari True
Edge Edge True
Internet explorer Internet explorer True
Chrome mobile Chrome mobile True
Firefox mobile Firefox mobile True